Encouraging Imagination and Creativity, Summer Edition, Nicole Tomingas Coaching, York Region, Newmarket, Aurora, Richmond Hill,We live in a world of packed schedules and constant stimulation. Unfortunately, the majority of this stimulation is on a screen of some sort. Even though summer is a nice break from the school routine, if you have elementary school-aged kids you may be familiar with, “Mom/Dad I’m bored!”

Some of us parents dread those words, I know I used to. Right there in that moment, after those words are spoken, we have a choice. We can jump into action, making sure they have something to do, places to go, something to watch or play. Or, we can choose not to get sucked into the boredom storm with them. If we are willing to make a conscious decision to lovingly hold our kids in this bored space long enough that is when creativity can come alive.

Whether it be building forts, spelling out their names with items found in nature, drawing with chalk on the driveway, playing pretend, looking for bugs, riding bikes, collecting rocks, or just playing in the dirt, creativity can take shape in many ways.

Just One Example of Summer Creativity

When my girls were younger, I would give them big dollar store paintbrushes so they could ‘paint’ with water outside. Eventually, the sun would dry up the water, and the surfaces could be water painted again.

Depending on the age of your kids they may need some help coming up with some off-screen options. If they’d like some ideas, give them a couple to think about. If it comes to, ‘nothing is good’ (unless it’s screen time), perhaps let them be in that bored space until they feel a little better about it. Not only do I think it’s okay for kids to be bored, I think it’s healthy!

Please note: do not try to implement this strategy when you are in a rush or feeling stressed or upset. Make sure your system is regulated, that you have the time to hold your kids in a loving ‘bored’ space. If you find you are in a constant state of stress, that is a whole other topic I would happy to chat with you about!

I would love to hear from you. You can join the conversation on Facebook, or you can send me a private message here.


Encouraging Imagination & Creativity, Summer Edition

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