intentional living during the holidays nicole tomingas eft aurora

Intentional Living During the Holidays

The holiday season is in full swing and how do we support ourselves during these fun yet possibly challenging times? There are many extra stresses during this time; changes in routine, travel, dinners and parties, holiday concerts, extra sensory input, and family dynamics, just to name a few. Sadness and missing loved ones who have passed on can also come flooding in. And then there are the expectations. This is a big one. Our kids, our partners, extended families, friends and colleagues, and ourselves, all come into play.

What’s It All About?

It’s helpful to ask ourselves this question, and a few others, to get us thinking about what we are creating for ourselves this holiday season:

  • What am I looking forward to doing this holiday season?
  • Thinking back to past holidays, what worked well for me?
  • What areas felt like I was being stretched too much?
  • Did I feel angry or resentful with someone or something?
  • Did I feel like I was being tossed around in the current of others’ expectations?
  • Am I hosting or is someone else?
  • If I am hosting, how does that make me feel? Excited, happy, overwhelmed, exhausted?
  • Do I need support for shopping, cleaning, food preparation? If so, who can I ask to help lend a hand?
  • What can I say no to this year, to support myself in a greater way?
  • What can I say yes to this year, to support myself in a greater way?

Nourishing Ideas to Help Manage Stress and Re-energize:

  • Stay hydrated and keep lots of healthy snacks on hand.
  • Enjoy the unconditional love of a furry four-legged friend.
  • Enjoy outdoor activities while getting some fresh air.
  • Spend time with friends you enjoy having a good laugh with.
  • Take a few minutes for deep, slow breathing and short meditations to slow your system down.
  • Mind your boundaries, and kindly say no to things/people/events that aren’t for your highest and best good.
  • Use Bronze tapping as a self-help tool, either to calm your systems down, or to shake off feeling tired.

I would love to hear from you about your plans to enjoy the holidays in a positive way. You can join the conversation on Facebook, or you can send me a private message here.

Wishing you peace and joy for the Holiday Season!


Intentional Living During the Holidays

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