Have you ever been told by someone to just let it go? How helpful was that for you? If you did manage to let it go, how did you do it? What had to be given up or what part of you was sacrificed in order to do so? How long did it last?
I find it interesting when the term ‘let it go’ gets tossed around in conversations or on social media, like it’s an easy to do, helpful and complete suggestion. It usually does not come with instructions on how to do that in a safe way that does not stuff it down for it to resurface later or requires numbness or unhealthy distraction.
Instead of Letting It Go, How About Listening to It?
If something is bothering us this is a message for us. This is valuable information about ourselves and it can be worth our while to explore it. I don’t mean to move in and live there, but to give it some time. Give ourselves some time to unpack it and find out what is coming up for us. When we allow this we may find out that there is something else at play here, which again is valuable information. The idea is to move through it and understand the learning rather than trying to stuff it down or gloss over it.
On the flip side, perhaps we have found ourselves suggesting to someone else to let something go. This too is valuable information for ourselves. This has something to do with getting our needs met, and do we even know what need is trying to be met by that behaviour? Keeping in mind that we are all doing our best with the information we have.
Let’s Talk About It
My intention is to raise awareness for when our stuff is showing up with things we don’t like in our worlds. If you would like a safe space to unpack stuff, while honouring your nervous system, to move through things, and tap into your inner wisdom – then let’s connect!
Until Next Time!