Why Not Just Be Positive All The Time?

Do you ever have upsetting or uncomfortable feelings but then decide you shouldn’t feel that way? That you should be positive, happy or feel grateful because (fill in the blank)? When we avoid our uncomfortable emotions by shutting them down, pushing them away, or bypassing them they don’t just magically disappear. Our bodies store the imprints of them energetically and we can only hold so much before we start to overload. It is important to process these emotions and to physically experience them at the same time.

All of the emotions we feel have beliefs attached to them. Some beliefs serve us well, while others, not so much. We can ask ourselves what would have to be true for me to be feeling this way? When the beliefs do not serve us and we choose to avoid our emotions this actually promotes subconscious negativity for us. The opposite of what we were trying to do in the first place – EEK!

Upsetting Emotions and Parenting

For those of us who are parents, if we avoid our own emotions, what are our expectations on our kids and their emotions? When they have upsetting or uncomfortable emotions, it can often feel inconvenient, with regards to what we have planned, or with what we need to get done. Are we modeling healthy emotional habits for them? Or are we encouraging them to shut down, stuff, or bypass emotions, insisting they be happy, positive or grateful to suit ourselves?

When we use EFT/tapping as a self-help tool in the moment of upset or stress we can neutralize upsetting emotions and regulate our physiology. This allows us to free up some energy to shift into a calm place and start to feel better. From here we can move into higher vibration emotions with greater ease. It’s a totally different kind of energy, and a much healthier way to arrive with ease vs. arriving somewhere with force. Moving into higher vibration emotions with ease has a greater impact on ourselves and the ones who surround us, as we can come from a genuine place of joy and gratitude.

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Why Not Just Be Positive All The Time?

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