Why Not Just Be Positive All The Time? Do you ever have upsetting or uncomfortable feelings but then decide you shouldn’t feel that way? That you should be positive, happy or feel grateful because (fill in the blank)? When we
Exploring Being Our Authentic Selves
In our personal and professional lives ‘being authentic’ is a popular term. It is a quality many of us hold with high regard. It’s associated with being original, speaking our truth, having our actions reflect our inner truth; including
Encouraging Imagination & Creativity, Summer Edition
We live in a world of packed schedules and constant stimulation. Unfortunately, the majority of this stimulation is on a screen of some sort. Even though summer is a nice break from the school routine, if you have elementary school-aged
Recharging By Connecting with Mother Nature
Summers here in Ontario are short and sweet, so I’d like to invite us adults to take the opportunity to recharge with Mother Nature’s offerings. I personally enjoy the small wildlife that appears with the warmer weather. I have a
How Pancakes Gave Me a Broader Perspective on Family Communication
In high school when I would sleep over at my friend’s house her Dad would make us pancakes with chocolate chips in them. Growing up I was pancake fan and often made them for breakfast on the weekends, but never
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