Stepping Within - Nicole Tomingas Coaching EFT Emotional Success Coach Aurora Newmarket

Let’s talk about when we create something new and awesome in our career or business lives.  That can feel really good! Sometimes what will happen is, as you reach this next step a lot of stuff can surface; a new layer of thoughts and emotions that can lead to unwanted behaviours.  

Stepping Out Requires Inner Work

A greater step out requires a deeper level of inner work, especially for those who have a highly sensitive system.  Sure we can go about our days choosing not to work on this deeper layer. You may find that you are having challenges in showing up in your best way to this new creation.  You may have created it and then would like to go and hide.

Our Primal Need to Be “Safe”

There can be inner conflict with both sides having logic and emotion attached to why their side is the better choice. In the end safety always wins.  Our primal subconscious need for our systems to be safe plays a huge role with regards to our success or lack thereof. If you also have a highly sensitive system, like myself, this effect can be magnified.  

Supporting Our Inner Selves in a Time of Great Outward Effort

As we step out of our comfort zones it’s an excellent opportunity to work within.  We are creating something in our life that requires greater energy, effort, time, and attention.  So the idea is as much as we step out that we also take at least the same amount of a step inwards, if not more. This is to support our systems during this transition.  This also helps to create the foundation to hold and maintain the step out, this is the sweet spot of sustainable resilience… for this step.

Sure, we can force through bigger change and think we are doing okay until we crash, burnout, or find ourselves unwell.  Who wants to come out of it feeling like you’re in a state of disarray physically, mentally or emotionally? No thank you!  

The first step is being aware of what’s going on for us.  I invite you to think about how your steps are going for you, how you are showing up for these steps and what’s coming up for you in terms of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors as you are going through the motions.  

If they aren’t serving you, my door is always open to have a conversation!  As my Mentor & Trainer Nancy Forrester says “your business can’t grow any more than you’ve grown”.

I would love to hear from you. You can join the conversation on Facebook, or you can send me a private message here.


Why Stepping Within Matters When We’re Stepping Out!

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