Why Not Just Be Positive All The Time? Do you ever have upsetting or uncomfortable feelings but then decide you shouldn’t feel that way? That you should be positive, happy or feel grateful because (fill in the blank)? When we
Exploring Being Our Authentic Selves
In our personal and professional lives ‘being authentic’ is a popular term. It is a quality many of us hold with high regard. It’s associated with being original, speaking our truth, having our actions reflect our inner truth; including
Mindful Boundaries for Sensitive Systems
Being mindful of boundaries is something no one can do for us in our adult life. If we don’t look after our boundaries we leave ourselves open to everyone else’s ideas and perceptions. That’s usually not a good feeling. Speaking
A Tale of Delight
When my older daughter was a tween I felt it was time to get another dog; thinking she could really benefit from a furry companion. It was around the same time when I was growing up that my family got
Accepting Changes: Children Home from University for the Holidays
I had heard from others that when my daughter came home for the holidays it would be great. Then by the end of it I’d probably be ready to see her on her way back to school and get back
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